Payment Account Reference (PAR)
The Payment Account Reference (PAR) contains the unique Payment Account Data specifically associated with the PAN or token used to initiate the transaction.
If available, the PAR is returned in sourceOfFunds.provided.card.paymentAccountReference.
The gateway support for populating the PAR in the transaction response was added from the WS API version 65 onwards.
Sample request for PAR
{ "order": { "amount": "100", "currency": "AUD" }, "apiOperation": "AUTHORIZE", "transaction": { "source": "INTERNET" }, "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "expiry": { "month": "01", "year": "39" }, "number": "4547426093880978", "securityCode":"100", "storedOnFile": "TO_BE_STORED" } }, "type": "CARD" } }
Sample response for PAR
{ "authorizationResponse": { "cardLevelIndicator": "XX", "cardSecurityCodeError": "M", "commercialCard": "123", "commercialCardIndicator": "1", "date": "1227", "marketSpecificData": "A", "posData": "1025104006600", "posEntryMode": "812", "processingCode": "003000", "responseCode": "00", "returnAci": "Y", "stan": "96183", "time": "090158", "transactionIdentifier": "084136608356621" }, "gatewayEntryPoint": "WEB_SERVICES_API", "merchant": "CYG_S2I_MER2", "order": { "amount": 100.00, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "certainty": "FINAL", "chargeback": { "amount": 0, "currency": "AUD" }, "creationTime": "2024-12-27T09:01:58.677Z", "currency": "AUD", "id": "505749109", "lastUpdatedTime": "2024-12-27T09:01:58.927Z", "merchantAmount": 100.00, "merchantCategoryCode": "4111", "merchantCurrency": "AUD", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "totalAuthorizedAmount": 100.00, "totalCapturedAmount": 0.00, "totalDisbursedAmount": 0.00, "totalRefundedAmount": 0.00 }, "response": { "acquirerCode": "00", "acquirerMessage": "Approved", "cardSecurityCode": { "acquirerCode": "M", "gatewayCode": "MATCH" }, "gatewayCode": "APPROVED", "gatewayRecommendation": "NO_ACTION" }, "result": "SUCCESS", "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "brand": "VISA", "deviceSpecificExpiry": { "month": "1", "year": "39" }, "deviceSpecificNumber": "454742xxxxxx0978", "fundingMethod": "UNKNOWN", "number": "454742xxxxxx0978", "paymentAccountReference": "12345678901234567TC020VSADE56", "scheme": "VISA", "storedOnFile": "TO_BE_STORED" } }, "type": "CARD" }, "timeOfLastUpdate": "2024-12-27T09:01:58.927Z", "timeOfRecord": "2024-12-27T09:01:58.750Z", "transaction": { "acquirer": { "batch": 20241227, "date": "1227", "id": "CYG_TESTACQ_S2I", "merchantId": "9808", "transactionId": "084136608356621" }, "amount": 100.00, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "authorizationCode": "112233", "currency": "AUD", "id": "88769114", "receipt": "436209096183", "source": "INTERNET", "stan": "96183", "terminal": "0001", "type": "AUTHORIZATION" }, "version": "100" }
For more examples, see the Examples of Requests page.