Payment Options Inquiry

Request to retrieve the payment options you can present to the payer, for example, the available payment methods and card types.

The returned options depend on your merchant profile configuration in the gateway and your input.For example, when you provide the order currency in the request, the response only contains payment options that are available for orders with this currency.

If you do not provide any input parameters, all values that could apply for all fields are returned: all of the possible card types, all of the possible currencies, and so on.

Depending on your configuration and the input parameters the response may also contain

  • a rate quote for Dynamic Currency Conversion.
  • the applicable Surcharge for the order.
  • the applicable Payment Plan Offers for the cart or the order.

Usage Note

You may not need to use this operation if your merchant profile configuration rarely changes and therefore the available payment options can be hard-coded into your website.

However, the operation will allow you to build the presentation and input validation for your checkout process in a dynamic way. As you are collecting more details from the payer during the checkout process, the operation tells you what fields to collect and what validation to apply.

If you have a simple configuration (for example, only accept a list of card types for s single currency), you can use the unmodified data set returned if the request is called without any input parameters for building the website's presentation and input validation.

If you have a more complex configuration (for example, accept USD and EUR currencies on Mastercard and Visa, but only USD on American Express), call the operation with parameters to restrict the returned values. For example:

  • If a sourceOfFunds.provided.card.prefix is passed in, only currencies applicable to the card brand identified based on this prefix are returned.
  • If an order.currency is passed in, only payment options applicable for that currency are returned.

Warning This operation must not be called directly from the browser, as it would expose your API integration password.


Authentication Copied to clipboard

This operation requires authentication via one of the following methods:

  • Certificate authentication.
  • To authenticate to the API two additional NVP parameters must be supplied in the request. Provide 'merchant.<your gateway merchant ID>' in the apiUsername field and your API password in the apiPassword field.

Request Copied to clipboard

Fields Copied to clipboard

apiOperation Copied to clipboard String = PAYMENT_OPTIONS_INQUIRY FIXED

Any sequence of zero or more unicode characters.

correlationId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.

The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
gatewayEntryPoint Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The interface through which the transaction is submitted to the gateway.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The transaction was automatically generated by the gateway. For example, a Capture transaction for Auto-Capture or an order reversal transaction for risk rejected orders.


The transaction was submitted as part of a merchant batch. Batches can either be uploaded via Batch or via Merchant Administration.


The transaction was created via checkout. The payer was redirected from your website to checkout.


The transaction was initiated in Merchant Administration.


The transaction was initiated in Merchant Manager.


The transaction was reported by an acquirer or alternate payment provider.


The transaction was submitted via Web Services API.

interaction Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the API operations that you will use to submit the financial transaction requests.

interaction.operation Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates operation that payer wish to perform to submit the financial transaction requests.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Request for the Payment Configuration interaction to check AUTHORIZE transaction for the payment is supported by the acquirer.


Payment Configuration interaction will collect the payment details from the payer and securely store them against the Payment Options Inquiry. No operation will be performed after the payer interaction.


Request for the Payment Configuration interaction to check PURCHASE transaction for the payment is supported by the acquirer.


Request for the Payment Options Inquiry to verify the payer's account.Request for the Payment Options Inquiry interaction to check Verify transaction for the payment is supported by the acquirer.

locale Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A language identifier or IETF language tag to control the language of the payment interaction with the payer (e.g. en_US, es, fr-CA).

By default, the language is determined from your configuration. Supply a value for this field only if you wish to override the default behavior. If the language you specify is not supported by the gateway, the payment is displayed in the best matching language.

See Dynamic Currency Conversion for more detail.

Data must be a language identifier or IETF language tag

Min length: 2 Max length: 5
merchant Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters REQUIRED

The unique identifier issued to you by your payment provider.

This identifier can be up to 12 characters in length.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
order Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the order associated with this transaction.

order.amount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The total amount for the order.  This is the net amount plus any merchant charge amounts.If you provide any sub-total amounts, then the sum of these amounts (order.itemAmount, order.taxAmount, order.shippingAndHandlingAmount, order.cashbackAmount, order.gratuityAmount, order.merchantCharge.amount and order.dutyAmount), minus the order.discountAmount must equal the net amount.

The value of this field in the response is zero if payer funds are not transferred.

Either Amount or netAmount must be provided

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
order.currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The currency of the order expressed as an ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.merchantCharge.type Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The type of the additional fee that you are charging the payer.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


A fee that covers your cost of accepting accepting a payment method.

order.netAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The amount payable for the order before surcharging is applied.

If you specify a net amount the gateway will calculate the surcharge for you. Alternatively, you can specify the surcharge amount (order.surchargeAmount) yourself.

Either Amount or netAmount must be provided

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
paymentType Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The payment method the payer wishes to use to pay for this order.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.

WECHAT_PAY Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

Identifier of the payment session containing values for any of the request fields to be used in this operation.

Values provided in the request will override values contained in the session.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 31 Max length: 35
session.version Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

Use this field to implement optimistic locking of the session content.

Do this if you make business decisions based on data from the session and wish to ensure that the same data is being used for the request operation.

To use optimistic locking, record session.version when you make your decisions, and then pass that value in session.version when you submit your request operation to the gateway.

If session.version provided by you does not match that stored against the session, the gateway will reject the operation with error.cause=INVALID_REQUEST.

See Making Business Decisions Based on Session Content.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 10 Max length: 10
sourceOfFunds Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the payment type selected by the payer for this payment and the source of the funds.

Depending on the payment type the source of the funds can be a debit or credit card, bank account, or account with a browser payment provider (such as PayPal).

For card payments the source of funds information may be represented by combining one or more of the following: explicitly provided card details, a session identifier which the gateway will use to look up the card details and/or a card token. Precedence rules will be applied in that explicitly provided card details will override session card details which will override card token details. Each of these may represent partial card details, however the combination must result in a full and complete set of card details. See Using Multiple Sources of Card Details for examples.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

This holds the PAN in the case where it is encrypted by the terminal using DUKPT key exchange.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.cardBin Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The BIN of the card.

If you provide this, the gateway will check that the decrypted PAN has these leading six digits. If the check fails, the gateway will reject the transaction.

If you do not provided this, the gateway will not perform this check.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 1 Max length: 6
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.encryptionState Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The P2PE encryption state as determined by the terminal.

INVALID means the terminal detected some form of error in the encryption process. The gateway will decline transactions with INVALID encryption state. This field may be omitted when the value is VALID.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 5 Max length: 7
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.initializationVector Copied to clipboard Hex OPTIONAL

The initialization vector supplied by the terminal to seed the encryption of this payload.

Omit this value if the terminal is not using an initialization vector to seed encryption.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 16 Max length: 16
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.keySerialNumber Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT key serial number supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 20 Max length: 20
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.payload Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT encrypted payload supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 32 Max length: 1024
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.prefix Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The first 10 digits of the card number, as printed on the card.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 10 Max length: 10
sourceOfFunds.token Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric OPTIONAL

A gateway token that contains account identifier details.

The account identifier details stored against this token will be used to process the request.
If account identifier details are also contained in the request, or the request contains a session with account identifier details, these take precedence over the details stored against the token.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

Response Copied to clipboard

Fields Copied to clipboard

correlationId Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.

The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
custom Copied to clipboard JSON Text CONDITIONAL

Provides additional data relevant to the options available for processing a payment.

If applicable, your payment service provider will describe how to use this data.

Data is valid Json Format

Min length: 1 Max length: 4000
gatewayEntryPoint Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

The interface through which the transaction is submitted to the gateway.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The transaction was automatically generated by the gateway. For example, a Capture transaction for Auto-Capture or an order reversal transaction for risk rejected orders.


The transaction was submitted as part of a merchant batch. Batches can either be uploaded via Batch or via Merchant Administration.


The transaction was created via checkout. The payer was redirected from your website to checkout.


The transaction was initiated in Merchant Administration.


The transaction was initiated in Merchant Manager.


The transaction was reported by an acquirer or alternate payment provider.


The transaction was submitted via Web Services API.

merchant Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters ALWAYS PROVIDED

The unique identifier issued to you by your payment provider.

This identifier can be up to 12 characters in length.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
order.amount Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

The total amount for the order.  This is the net amount plus any merchant charge amounts.If you provide any sub-total amounts, then the sum of these amounts (order.itemAmount, order.taxAmount, order.shippingAndHandlingAmount, order.cashbackAmount, order.gratuityAmount, order.merchantCharge.amount and order.dutyAmount), minus the order.discountAmount must equal the net amount.

The value of this field in the response is zero if payer funds are not transferred.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
order.currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The currency of the order expressed as an ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.merchantCharge Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information about additional fees that you are charging the payer for processing the payment for this order, for example, a surcharge, convenience or service fee.

order.merchantCharge.amount Copied to clipboard Decimal ALWAYS PROVIDED

The amount of the additional fee that you are charging the payer.

If you provide a charge amount, you must include it in the total amount for the order.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
order.merchantCharge.type Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

The type of the additional fee that you are charging the payer.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


A fee that covers your cost of accepting accepting a payment method.

order.netAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

The amount payable for the order before surcharging is applied.

If you specify a net amount the gateway will calculate the surcharge for you. Alternatively, you can specify the surcharge amount (order.surchargeAmount) yourself.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
order.surchargeAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

A fee charged by you to cover the cost of accepting a payment method.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
paymentPlanProduct Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information about the payment plan products for which payment plan offers are provided.

paymentPlanProduct.{paymentPlanProductId}.logoUrl Copied to clipboard URI CONDITIONAL

The URL of the logo for the payment plan product.

Data must be an absolute URI conforming to the URI syntax published by IETF RFC 2396. The following schemes are forbidden : javascript

paymentPlanProduct.{paymentPlanProductId}.name Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The display name of the payment plan product.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 60
paymentPlanProduct.{paymentPlanProductId} Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters CONDITIONAL

An identifier to uniquely identify the payment plan product in the gateway.

The identifier for the payment plan.
See Payment Plans for the supported payment plans and their identifiers.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'

Min length: 1 Max length: 60
paymentTypes Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

The payment method the payer wishes to use to pay for this order.

paymentTypes.ach Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment options

paymentTypes.ach.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.ach.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.ach.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.ach.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system. Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Alipay payment options.[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.bancanet Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported BancaNet browser payment options.

paymentTypes.bancanet.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.bancanet.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.bancanet.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.bancanet.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.bancontact Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Bancontact payment options.

paymentTypes.bancontact.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.bancontact.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.bancontact.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.bancontact.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.blik Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Blik payment options.

paymentTypes.blik.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.blik.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.blik.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.blik.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.boletobancario Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Boleto Bancario payment options.

paymentTypes.boletobancario.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.boletobancario.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.boletobancario.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.boletobancario.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.card Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported credit and debit card payment options.

paymentTypes.card.3DSecureSchemes[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on whether you have the capability to use one or more 3-D Secure schemes.

The 3-D Secure scheme applicable for an order depends on the card type used to pay for the order.

paymentTypes.card.3DSecureSchemes[n].3DSecureScheme Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

The list of valid 3-D Secure schemes you are set up to use.

For example, Mastercard SecureCode, Verified by Visa, JSecure, Diners Club ProtectBuy.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.

paymentTypes.card.brand Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

The brand name used to describe the card that is recognized and accepted globally.

For many major card types this will match the scheme name. In some markets, a card may also be co-branded with a local brand that is recognized and accepted within its country/region of origin (see card.localBrand).
You may use this information to support surcharging decisions. This information is gathered from 3rd party sources and may not be accurate in all circumstances.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


American Express


China UnionPay


Diners Club




JCB (Japan Credit Bureau)


The card does not have a global brand.








UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan)


The brand of the card used in the transaction could not be identified



paymentTypes.card.capabilities[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Indicates capabilities available to you for card payments.

paymentTypes.card.capabilities[n].capability Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates capabilities available to you for card payments.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Indicates if you are allowed to use the Address Verification Service (AVS) to verify address details supplied by the cardholder.


Indicates if you are allowed to use the Card Security Check to verify the Card Security Code (CSC) supplied by the cardholder


Indicates if you or the payer have an option to select the card type when the card has been identified as co-branded card.


Indicates if you are allowed to accept payments from credit cards without a Card Security Code (CSC) printed on the card.

paymentTypes.card.cardTypes[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the card types supported for this order.

paymentTypes.card.cardTypes[n].cardType Copied to clipboard String ALWAYS PROVIDED

The list of valid card types for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, MasterCard, Visa, American Express.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 3 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.card.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on currency conversion if the merchant has the permission to offer dynamic currency conversion (DCC) services to the payer.

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.exchangeRateSource Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The financial data agency used as a source for the exchange rate.

The source of the exchange rate may need to be displayed to the payer on the merchant site to satisfy regulatory requirements.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.exchangeRateTime Copied to clipboard DateTime CONDITIONAL

The timestamp of when the conversion rate is effective.

The timestamp may need to be displayed to the payer on the merchant site to satisfy regulatory requirements.

An instant in time expressed in ISO8601 date + time format - "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ"

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.gatewayCode Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Summary of the success or otherwise of the DCC quote request.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The DCC provider was unable to process this operation.


Cannot provide DCC quote as required fields are missing (amount, currency, card prefix or session identifier or token).


DCC not available for this card or currency.


DCC quote successfully processed.


DCC only supported for Visa, MasterCard, and Maestro cards.

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.marginPercentage Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

The foreign exchange markup applied as a percentage to the transaction amount for providing the conversion service.

The margin percentage may need to be displayed to the payer on the merchant site to satisfy regulatory requirements.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 10000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 5
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.offerText Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

This is a piece of HTML markup that can be included as part of your website to offer the payer the currency conversion quote.

It contains information necessary to comply with scheme requirements.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 4096
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.payerAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

The total amount of the transaction in the payer's currency.

You must include this field if the payer accepted the DCC offer you presented to them.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.payerCurrency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The currency of the DCC rate quote provided by your DCC Service Provider.

The currency must be expressed as an ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD and must be different to that provided for transaction currency. You must include this field if the payer accepted the DCC offer you presented to them.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.payerExchangeRate Copied to clipboard Decimal CONDITIONAL

The exchange rate used to convert the transaction amount into the payer's currency.

The payer exchange rate includes the foreign exchange markup (marginPercentage). The payer exchange rate is displayed to the payer on the merchant site.

A sequence of digits 0-9 separated by a '.' as a decimal indicator. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the '.' and following zero(es) can be omitted. (For a complete description, see

Max value: 1000000000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 12
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.provider Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

This identifies the name of the provider of the DCC quote.

This data is for information purposes, and may be useful if you use multiple DCC providers.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.providerCode Copied to clipboard ASCII Text CONDITIONAL

Value as generated by the quote provider that summarizes the success or otherwise of the DCC quote request.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.providerReceipt Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The quote provider's unique reference to the rate quote.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.quoteExpiry Copied to clipboard DateTime CONDITIONAL

The timestamp indicating when the DCC quote offer expires.

An instant in time expressed in ISO8601 date + time format - "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ"

paymentTypes.card.currencyConversion.requestId Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The unique identifier for your DCC quote request as returned in the PAYMENT_OPTIONS_INQUIRY response.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
paymentTypes.card.defaultCardType Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

Default card type for the supplied co-branded BIN.

For example, MasterCard, Visa, American Express.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 3 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.card.fundingMethod Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

The method used by the payer to provide the funds for the payment.

You may use this information to support decisions about merchant charges. This information is gathered from 3rd party sources and may not be accurate in all circumstances.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The payer has a line of credit with the issuer which must be paid off monthly.


The payer has a revolving line of credit with the issuer.


Funds are immediately debited from the payer's account with the issuer.


The account funding method could not be determined.

paymentTypes.card.interactionConstraints Copied to clipboard Comma separated enumeration CONDITIONAL

Indicates if the cardholder is required to provide additional information when using a card to pay for the order.

Value must be one or more comma separated members of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Indicates if the cardholder must be forced to select between using a credit card or a debit card, before entering their card details.


Indicates if the cardholder must be forced to select the card type.This is required when the card is identified as a co-branded card and regulation stipulates that the payer must select the card type.The card type selected by the payer must subsequently be provided in field sourceOfFunds.provided.card.cardType on financial transaction requests.


Indicates if the cardholder must be forced to enter the Card Security Code (CSC) when using a credit card to pay for the order.

paymentTypes.card.issuer Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The issuer of the card, if known.

WARNING: This information may be incorrect or incomplete – use at your own risk.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 0 Max length: 255
paymentTypes.card.localBrand Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

The brand name used to describe a card that is recognized and accepted within its country/region of origin.

The card may also be co-branded with a brand name that is recognized and accepted globally (see card.brand).
You may use this information to support surcharging decisions. This information is gathered from 3rd party sources and may not be accurate in all circumstances.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 3 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.card.scheme Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

The organization that owns a card brand and defines operating regulations for its use.

The card scheme also controls authorization and settlement of card transactions among issuers and acquirers.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


American Express


China UnionPay


Diners Club




JCB (Japan Credit Bureau)




The scheme of the card used in the transaction could not be identified.




UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan)



paymentTypes.card.tags Copied to clipboard String CONDITIONAL

Tags provide you with additional information about the card.

For example, identifying if it is an EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) or Health Benefit Card. You can use this information to support your decisions about accepting payments with this card. The data is encoded in JSON as an object map indexed on the tag name. Some standard tag names are EBT and HEALTH_BENEFIT_CARD_IIAS. If these tags apply to the card, the tag will have value true, otherwise it will be absent. Other tag names with other values might also exist, depending on which acquirer processed the transaction. For example, an EBT card might return value: {"ACME_CARD_IDENTIFIER":"23", "EBT":true} Contact your payment provider if you wish to understand all tags available for your acquirers.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 2048
paymentTypes.card.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.card.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Indicates the wallet providers you are enabled and configured for, and that are supported for this order.

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Provide details about the Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) wallet interaction.

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.capabilities[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Indicates capabilities available to you for card payments.

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.capabilities[n].capability Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Details about your Click to Pay configuration capabilities.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Indicates if you are allowed to use the Address Verification Service (AVS) to verify address details supplied by the cardholder.


Indicates if you are allowed to use the Card Security Check to verify the Card Security Code (CSC) supplied by the cardholder


Indicates if you or the payer have an option to select the card type when the card has been identified as co-branded card.


Indicates that you are configured to use authentication managed by Click to Pay.


Indicates if you are allowed to accept payments from credit cards without a Card Security Code (CSC) printed on the card.

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.defaultPayerCountry Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code of the payer's country to be used to present country-specific content to the payer during the Secure Remote Commerce interaction.

This is the default country to be used, unless it is overwritten for this transaction in the field.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.scheme[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details regarding the merchant's Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) configuration specific to the scheme

paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.scheme[n].dpaId Copied to clipboard String ALWAYS PROVIDED

Unique identifier assigned to the merchant (called Digital Payment Application) by the Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) System for this scheme.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.scheme[n].name Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Scheme for which Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) configuration for the merchant is provided.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


American Express





paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].secureRemoteCommerce.shippingAddressCountries Copied to clipboard Comma separated strings CONDITIONAL

A comma separated list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes.

The merchant only ships to countries included in this list. For a Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) interaction only shipping addresses with a country contained in the list must be accepted.

Each String represents an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the country.

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.card.walletProviders[n].walletProvider Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Details about the source of the payment details used for digital payment methods.

Provide this value when you process payments for:

  • Device payment methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay.
  • Digital wallets such as Masterpass, Visa Checkout or Amex Express Checkout.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Amex Express Checkout wallet provider.


Apple Pay mobile wallet provider.


Chase Pay wallet provider.


Google Pay mobile wallet provider.


MasterPass Online wallet provider.


Samsung Pay mobile wallet provider.


Visa Checkout wallet provider.

paymentTypes.directDebitCanada Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Direct Debit Canada payment options

paymentTypes.directDebitCanada.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.directDebitCanada.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.directDebitCanada.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.directDebitCanada.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.enets Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported eNETS payment options.

paymentTypes.enets.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.enets.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.enets.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.enets.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported eps-Überweisung payment options.

paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.epsUeberweisung.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.giftCard Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported gift card payment options.

paymentTypes.giftCard.cardTypes[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the gift card types supported for this order.

paymentTypes.giftCard.cardTypes[n].cardType Copied to clipboard String ALWAYS PROVIDED

Information on the gift card types supported for this order.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.giftCard.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.giftCard.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.giftCard.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.giftCard.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.giropay Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported giropay browser payment options.

paymentTypes.giropay.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.giropay.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.giropay.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.giropay.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.grabPay Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported GrabPay payment options.

paymentTypes.grabPay.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.grabPay.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.grabPay.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.grabPay.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.ideal Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported iDEAL payment options.

paymentTypes.ideal.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.ideal.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.ideal.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.ideal.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.klarnaFinancing Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Klarna Financing payment options.

paymentTypes.klarnaFinancing.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.klarnaFinancing.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.klarnaFinancing.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.klarnaFinancing.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Klarna Pay Later payment options.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayLater.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Klarna Pay Now payment options.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.klarnaPayNow.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.mercadoPagoCheckout Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Mercado Pago Checkout payment options.

paymentTypes.mercadoPagoCheckout.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.mercadoPagoCheckout.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.multibanco Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Multibanco payment options.

paymentTypes.multibanco.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.multibanco.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.openBankingBankTransfer Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Open Banking Bank Transfer payment options.

paymentTypes.openBankingBankTransfer.capabilities[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about your open banking configuration capabilities.

paymentTypes.openBankingBankTransfer.capabilities[n].capability Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Configuration available to you for the Open Banking Bank Transfer payment method.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Indicates that you have the privilege to perform refunds and the gateway will store account details on your behalf for this purpose.

paymentTypes.oxxo Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported OXXO payment options.

paymentTypes.oxxo.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.oxxo.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.oxxo.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.oxxo.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.payU Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported PayU payment options.

paymentTypes.payU.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.payU.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.payU.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.payU.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.payU.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.payU.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.payconiq Copied to clipboard ALWAYS PROVIDED

Details about supported Payconiq payment options.

paymentTypes.payconiq.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the payer's country for the purpose of the payconiq interaction supported for this order.

paymentTypes.payconiq.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.payconiq.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.payconiq.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.payconiq.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.payconiq.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.paypal Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported PayPal payment options.

paymentTypes.paypal.accountId Copied to clipboard String ALWAYS PROVIDED

The ID provided to you by PayPal when you create a PayPal account.

This identifies you as the merchant in messages that the gateway submits to PayPal.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.paypal.capabilities[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about your Paypal configuration capabilities.

paymentTypes.paypal.capabilities[n].capability Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Configuration available to you for the PayPal payment method.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Allows the merchant to offer PayPal Smart button to payer inorder to make purchase for PayPal transactions.

paymentTypes.paypal.clientId Copied to clipboard String ALWAYS PROVIDED

The ID provided to your payment service provider when creating a PayPal account.

This identifies your payment service provider in messages that the gateway submits to PayPal.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
paymentTypes.paypal.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.paypal.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.paypal.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.paypal.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.paysafecard Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported paysafecard payment options.

paymentTypes.paysafecard.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the payer's country for the purpose of the paysafecard interaction supported for this order.

paymentTypes.paysafecard.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.paysafecard.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.paysafecard.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.paysafecard.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.paysafecard.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.pbba Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Pay by Bank app payment options.

paymentTypes.pbba.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.pbba.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.pbba.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.pbba.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.poli Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported POLi payment options.

paymentTypes.poli.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.poli.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.poli.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.poli.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.przelewy24 Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Przelewy24 payment options.

paymentTypes.przelewy24.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.przelewy24.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.przelewy24.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.przelewy24.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.sepa Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported SEPA payment options.

paymentTypes.sepa.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.sepa.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.sepa.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.sepa.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.sofort Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Sofortbanking browser payment options.

paymentTypes.sofort.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.sofort.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.sofort.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.sofort.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.sofort.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.sofort.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.trustly Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported Trustly payment options.

paymentTypes.trustly.countries[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the countries for the payer's bank supported for this order.

paymentTypes.trustly.countries[n].countryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of supported countries (expressed using ISO 3166 alpha-3 code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, POL stands for Poland.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.trustly.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.trustly.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.trustly.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.trustly.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.unionpay Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported UnionPay SecurePay payment options.

paymentTypes.unionpay.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.unionpay.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.unionpay.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.unionpay.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

paymentTypes.wechatpay Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about supported WeChatPay payment options.

paymentTypes.wechatpay.currencies[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the currencies supported for this order.

paymentTypes.wechatpay.currencies[n].currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text CONDITIONAL

The list of valid currencies (expressed using ISO 4217 alpha code) for this order based on the values supplied in the request parameters.

For example, AUD stands for Australian Dollar.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
paymentTypes.wechatpay.transactionSources[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported sources through which the order can be received.

paymentTypes.wechatpay.transactionSources[n].transactionSource Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction where a non-card payment method is presented to the Merchant.


Transaction reported by the acquirer.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

result Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

A system-generated high level overall result of the transaction/operation.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The operation was declined or rejected by the gateway, acquirer or issuer


The operation is currently in progress or pending processing


The operation was successfully processed


The result of the operation is unknown

supportedPaymentOperations[n] Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Information on the supported payment operations available to the merchant.

supportedPaymentOperations[n].supportedPaymentOperation Copied to clipboard Enumeration ALWAYS PROVIDED

The list of supported payment operations available to the merchant.


Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Merchant has privilege to perform Authorizations.


Merchant has privilege to perform Purchases

Errors Copied to clipboard

error Copied to clipboard

Information on possible error conditions that may occur while processing an operation using the API.

error.cause Copied to clipboard Enumeration

Broadly categorizes the cause of the error.

For example, errors may occur due to invalid requests or internal system failures.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The request was rejected because it did not conform to the API protocol.


The request was rejected due to security reasons such as firewall rules, expired certificate, etc.


The server did not have enough resources to process the request at the moment.


There was an internal system failure.

error.explanation Copied to clipboard String

Textual description of the error based on the cause.

This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST or SERVER_BUSY.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 1000
error.field Copied to clipboard String

Indicates the name of the field that failed validation.

This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
error.supportCode Copied to clipboard String

Indicates the code that helps the support team to quickly identify the exact cause of the error.

This field is returned only if the cause is SERVER_FAILED or REQUEST_REJECTED.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
error.validationType Copied to clipboard Enumeration

Indicates the type of field validation error.

This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The request contained a field with a value that did not pass validation.


The request was missing a mandatory field.


The request contained a field that is unsupported.

result Copied to clipboard Enumeration

A system-generated high level overall result of the operation.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The operation resulted in an error and hence cannot be processed.