Airline Data
Airline data includes details about, for example, flights, booking reference, itinerary, passenger details, and ticket details.
Supported for following methods*:
Integration methods | Payment methods | Transactions |
All | All |
* The exact payment methods and operations supported for airline data depend on your acquirer. Contact your payment service provider for details.
To view examples of API requests with airline data, download the Postman collection.
Submit airline data using the airline
object in the request. You can specify details on multiple passengers and multiple trip legs associated with the ticket. The numbering for passenger data and trip leg data begins with 0, for example, airline.itinerary.leg[0].<field_name>.
You must use consecutive numbers for the legs and passenger data and must not skip a number or repeat numbers.
If you submit airline data on an initial transaction and the same airline data applies to subsequent transactions for the order, you must submit the same airline data on each subsequent transaction.
The submitted data is returned in the transaction response.
Example of Airline Data fields
"airline": { "bookingReference": "MC12D8", "documentType": "PASSENGER_TICKET", "itinerary": { "leg": [ { "carrierCode": "MA", "departureAirport": "STL", "departureDate": "2019-06-07", "destinationAirport": "ORD" }, { "carrierCode": "MA", "departureAirport": "ORD", "departureDate": "2019-06-09", "destinationAirport": "STL" } ], "numberInParty": "2" }, "passenger": [ { "firstName": "JOHN", "lastName": "SMITH" }, { "firstName": "JANE", "lastName": "SMITH" } ], "ticket": { "issue": { "carrierCode": "MA", "carrierName": "MastercardAirlines", "city": "Purchase", "country": "USA", "date": "2019-06-06" }, "ticketNumber": "A01234567890", "totalFare": "50.00", "totalFees": "15.00", "totalTaxes": "10.00" } }